What does 'git rebase' do?

Understanding the Function of 'Git Rebase'

The 'git rebase' command is a part of Git, a version control system widely used in software development. Its main function is to enable developers to reapply commits on top of another base tip. This gives them the ability to create a linear sequence of commits. Basically, what 'git rebase' does is to move or combine the commits to a new base commit.

Let's consider a practical example to understand how 'git rebase' functions. For instance, let's say you are working on a project branch that is derived from a main branch. After working for a while, you realize that several other changes have been committed to the main branch by teammates. To make your project branch updated, 'git rebase' can be used. This will make your changes appear like they were made on top of the changes your colleagues made, creating more presentable and cleaner histories.

WARNING: It's crucial to note that using 'git rebase' can potentially alter commit history. For that reason, the 'rebase' function should be used judiciously. It’s typically not recommended to use on public branches, as it can cause confusion and complications for others collaborating on the project.

Here's a simplified command of how you might use 'git rebase':

git checkout feature_branch
git rebase main_branch 

In this command, you're switching to your feature branch, then reapplying the changes you've made on this branch directly on top of the main branch.

In conclusion, 'git rebase' is a powerful tool in Git that enables code histories to stay clean, as it avoids unnecessary merge commits. However, it should be used with caution on public branches, due to its potential to alter commit histories. As a best practice, it is better to use 'git rebase' on local branches that haven’t been shared with others. This approach maintains the clarity and readability of your code history, making collaborative work more efficient and less prone to errors.

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