In TypeScript, which method decorator can be used to bind 'this' to the class instance?

Understanding the .bind() method in TypeScript

In TypeScript, a popular open-sourced programming language developed by Microsoft, the .bind() method is a powerful tool you might come across, especially when dealing with different contexts of this in class methods.

The Problem of 'this' in TypeScript

One of the common issues new JavaScript or TypeScript developers encounter is the context of this. In object-oriented programming, this usually refers to the object that a method belongs to. However, the context of 'this' in JavaScript and TypeScript can change depending on how the method is called, leading to unexpected behaviors.

Consider this example:

class TestClass {
  public name: string;

  constructor(name: string) { = name;

  greet() {
    console.log(`Hello, ${}`);

const instance = new TestClass('Joey');
const greetMethod = instance.greet;

greetMethod();  // will print "Hello, undefined"

In the example above, calling greetMethod() directly will output "Hello, undefined". That's because the this inside greet function doesn't point to the instance of TestClass anymore when it's assigned to a different variable. Instead, it points to the global object in most environments, which doesn't have a name property, hence, undefined.

The Solution: .bind() method

Here's where the .bind() method steps in. The .bind() method creates a new function, which when called, assigns this provided value to the this keyword. It basically enables you to permanently bind the context of this to a specific object.

Updating our previous example to use .bind(), we get:

const bindedGreetMethod = instance.greet.bind(instance);
bindedGreetMethod();  // will print "Hello, Joey"

When we call instance.greet.bind(instance), it created a new method where this is set to instance, regardless of how the new method bindedGreetMethod() is now called. Hence, when we call bindedGreetMethod(), it correctly prints "Hello, Joey".

Applying .bind() in TypeScript Class

In practical TypeScript applications, we might not have the luxury of manually binding every method. This is where TypeScript decorators come to our rescue.

A class decorator @autobind could be used on methods which would automatically bind this to the class instance in TypeScript:

function autobind(target: any, methodName: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) {
  const originalMethod = descriptor.value;
  const adjustedDescriptor: PropertyDescriptor = {
    configurable: true,
    get() {
      const boundFunction = originalMethod.bind(this);
      return boundFunction;
  return adjustedDescriptor;

class TestClass {
  public name: string;

  constructor(name: string) { = name;

  greet() {
    console.log(`Hello, ${}`);

The @autobind decorator in this example uses .bind() internally, ensuring that this inside the method always points to the class instance, solving our problem with the context of this.

Overall, the .bind() method in TypeScript is an essential tool to manage context in TypeScript classes and is extremely useful to control and predict the behavior of this keyword in your TypeScript code.

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