Which is the correct syntax to make all <p> elements bold?

Understanding CSS Syntax: Making Paragraph Elements Bold

When working with CSS, it's crucial to get the syntax correct. Let's talk about the correct approach to make all paragraph (<p>) elements bold.

The correct syntax is p {font-weight: bold}.

The <p> is a CSS selector. It selects all paragraph elements on the page.

The {font-weight: bold} is a CSS declaration. It consists of two parts, separated by a colon. To the left of the colon, we have a property (font-weight). To the right, we see the value (bold). This specific declaration makes the text within the selected elements bold.

Now you may be wondering why the other options are incorrect:

  1. p {font-weight bold}:

This is missing the colon (:) between the property and value.

  1. p: {font-weight: bold}:

The colon shouldn't be placed directly after the selector.

  1. p style='font-weight: bold':

This isn't how you style elements in a CSS file. While this method could be used for inline-styling directly within HTML tags, it doesn't work in CSS sheets.

Here's a practical example that applies the correct syntax:

    p {font-weight: bold}

<p>This paragraph will appear bold.</p>


When viewed in a browser, the text within the <p> tags will be displayed in bold, due to the CSS styling declared in the <style> block.

It's always recommended to use a CSS file to style HTML elements for separation of concerns. However, for small-scale styling adjustments or single-page applications, inline CSS styling can also be used by adding the style attribute directly to the HTML tags. But remember, practices such as reusability, efficiency, and modularity are easier to maintain with a separate CSS file.

In conclusion, mastering CSS entails understanding and correctly applying its syntax. It's always advisable to adhere to the best practices in CSS and HTML to write clean, maintainable, and efficient code.

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