Which PHP function is used to redirect the browser to a new page?

Understanding the PHP header() Function for Page Redirection

The header() function in PHP is a built-in function that, when coupled with the appropriate parameters, allows for browser redirection to a new page. This function is especially useful for web developers as it significantly reduces the complexity of tasks that would otherwise require more complicated coding.

The header() function works by sending a raw HTTP header to a client, in this case, the user's browser. It's important to note that this function must be called before any actual output is sent, either by normal HTML tags, blank lines, or PHP. If not, a warning message will be issued.

Let's take a moment to explore its basic syntax:

header(string, replace, http_response_code)

For redirection purposes, it is of particular interest to use it with a "Location" header, as in the example below, which will redirect your user to a new URL:

header('Location: http://www.new-url.com');

The aforementioned line of code will tell the browser to direct towards http://www.new-url.com. Remember that the header function must be declared before any output is sent from the server to prevent errors or unwanted results.

While other answers like redirect(), goto(), or forward() can sound intuitive, they aren't used in PHP for redirection purposes.

To illustrate, redirect() isn't a built-in PHP function for redirection, goto() is used to jump to another section in the program, and forward() isn't a PHP function at all.

An important best practice when utilizing header() for redirection purposes is ensuring that the URL you're redirecting to is valid and safe. Misuse can potentially lead to security risks, so it's always important to ensure that the pages to which you're redirecting users are secure.

In conclusion, header() is an essential PHP function for web developers that primarily creates raw HTTP headers but is frequently used for page redirection. When correctly implemented, it significantly simplifies navigation and user interactions within a website.

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