What is the correct way to add elements to an array in PHP?

How to Add Elements to an Array in PHP

In PHP, an array is considered a special variable, capable of storing more than a single value at a time. There may come a time when adding new elements to an array is necessary, and there is a correct way on how to do it.

From the quiz options given, the correct syntax to add elements to an array is $array[] = 'new_element';. This technique, often known as array push in PHP, allows adding one or more elements to the end of an array.

Let's explore further with an example.

Assume you have an existing array as follows:

$array = array("apple", "banana", "cherry");

If you want to add "dragonfruit" to this array, you would use the following syntax:

$array[] = "dragonfruit";

The modifications above would result in an updated array:

$array = array("apple", "banana", "cherry", "dragonfruit");

Other methods like array_add($array, 'new_element');, array_push('new_element'); and $array->add('new_element'); are incorrect in PHP context. Though array_push() is a valid PHP function, it is important to note that the array should be the first parameter passed into this function, followed by the value(s) being added. So the correct usage should be array_push($array, 'new_element');.

As far as best practices are concerned, the "array push" technique showed above is more suitable when you just need to add a single value at the end of the array. If you're planning to introduce multiple values, it's recommended to use the array_push() function; this function has been optimized for better performance in such situations.

In conclusion, PHP offers different approaches to add elements to an array, but it's always valuable to determine the right method to use based on the specific situation and performance considerations.

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