What should I do with "Unexpected indent" in Python?

"Unexpected indent" in Python means that the indentation level of a line of code is not what the interpreter was expecting. This is often caused by whitespace or tab characters at the beginning of a line of code. To fix this error, ensure that all lines of code that should be at the same level of indentation have the same amount of whitespace or tab characters at the beginning of the line.

Here is an example of the error and how it can be fixed:

# Example of "Unexpected indent"
def my_function():
    if True:
     print("Hello, world!")

# Fixing the error
def my_function():
    if True:
        print("Hello, world!")

In the first example, the print statement is indented one level too far, causing the "Unexpected indent" error. In the second example, the print statement is indented to the correct level, so the error is fixed.