What is a clean "pythonic" way to implement multiple constructors?

A "pythonic" way to implement multiple constructors in Python is to use the @classmethod decorator. A class method is a method that is bound to the class and not the instance of the object.

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Here is an example:

class MyClass:
    def __init__(self, arg1, arg2):
        self.arg1 = arg1
        self.arg2 = arg2

    def from_input_string(cls, input_string: str):
        arg1, arg2 = input_string.split(',')
        return cls(arg1, arg2)

    def from_config_file(cls, file_path: str):
        with open(file_path) as f:
            config = json.load(f)
        return cls(config['arg1'], config['arg2'])

You can then use the class methods as alternative constructors by calling MyClass.from_input_string("hello,world") or MyClass.from_config_file("path/to/config.json")