How to write inline if statement for print?

Inline if statements, also known as ternary operators, can be used to write a shorthand version of an if-else statement. The basic syntax for an inline if statement is:

true-statement if condition else false-statement

For example, if you want to print "Yes" if a variable x is greater than 5 and "No" if it is not, you can use the following inline if statement:

x = 4
print("Yes" if x > 5 else "No")

This statement will first check if x is greater than 5. If it is, it will print "Yes", otherwise it will print "No".

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You can also use the inline if statement inside the console.log() like this:

x = 8
print("The value of x is " + ("greater than 5"  if x > 5 else "less than or equal to 5"))

Please note that inline if statement only useful for simple scenarios and for more complex conditions, it's better to use traditional if-else statements for more readability and maintainability.