How to properly ignore exceptions

It's generally not recommended to ignore exceptions, as they often indicate a problem in the code that should be addressed. However, if you must ignore an exception, you can use a try-except block and not include a "except" clause. For example:

    # code that might raise an exception
    1 / 0

This will prevent the exception from being raised and the program will continue to execute the code after the try-except block.

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However, It's important to know that not specifying which exception to catch, will catch all exceptions and it could hide bugs in your code. It's usually better to catch only the specific exceptions that you know how to handle and let the others propagate up the call stack.

    # code that might raise an exception
    1 / 0
except ZeroDivisionError:

This will only catch the specific exception of ZeroDivisionError and the others will propagate up the call stack.