How to emulate a do-while loop?

In Python, you can emulate a do-while loop by using a while True loop with a break statement. Here's an example:

while True:
    # code to be executed
    if <condition>:

In this example, the code inside the while loop will continue to execute until the <condition> is met, at which point the loop will break and the program will continue to execute any code that comes after the loop.

It's important to note that if you forget to add a break statement inside the loop, the loop will continue to run indefinitely, causing the program to hang or crash.

Another option is using the loop-else block,

while <condition>:
    # code to be executed
    # code to be executed after loop completion

This block will also ensure that the code inside the loop is executed at least once before checking the condition

while True:
    # code to be executed
    if <condition>:
    # code to be executed after loop completion

It should be noted that, else block will not be executed if the loop is broken by break statement.