How do I wait for a pressed key?

Here is an example of how you might wait for a key press in Python:

import msvcrt

def wait_for_key():
    while True:
        if msvcrt.kbhit():
            return msvcrt.getch()

print("Press any key to continue...")
key = wait_for_key()
print("You pressed: ", key)

This uses the msvcrt module, which provides functionality for interacting with the Windows console. The kbhit() function is used to check if a key has been pressed, and if one has, the getch() function is used to retrieve the pressed key.

Alternatively, you can use input() function to wait for key press and input together like this

key = input("Press any key to continue...")

Keep in mind that the msvcrt module is only available on Windows and input() function works on all platforms.