How do I check if a variable exists?

In Python, you can check if a variable exists by using the globals() or locals() function to check if the variable is in the global or local namespace, respectively. For example:

if 'my_variable' in globals():
    print('my_variable exists in the global namespace')
    print('my_variable does not exist in the global namespace')

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Alternatively, you can use the globals().get() or locals().get() method to check if a variable exists and return its value, or return None if it does not exist. For example:

value = globals().get('my_variable')
if value is not None:
    print(f'my_variable exists in the global namespace and has value {value}')
    print('my_variable does not exist in the global namespace')

It's also possible to use the vars() function to check if a variable exists in the current namespace, which is either the global or local namespace depending on where the function is called.

if 'my_variable' in vars():
    print('my_variable exists in the current namespace')
    print('my_variable does not exist in the current namespace')

Another way to check if a variable exists is to use the try-except block.

    print('my_variable exists')
except NameError:
    print('my_variable does not exist')

You can also use the hasattr() method to check if an object has a certain attribute (variable).

class MyClass:
    my_variable = 'some value'

obj = MyClass()
if hasattr(obj, 'my_variable'):
    print('obj has my_variable attribute')
    print('obj does not have my_variable attribute')