How can I use threading in Python?

Threading is a way to run multiple threads (smaller units of a program) concurrently, in the same process. Python's threading module is built on top of the lower-level _thread module, which is built on top of the even lower-level thread module. The threading module is generally more convenient to use than the other two, and it should be sufficient for most purposes. Here is a simple example of how to use the threading module:

import threading

def worker():
    print("Worker thread")

thread = threading.Thread(target=worker)

This will start a new thread and run the worker function in the new thread. The start() method will return immediately, while the new thread will continue running until it finishes.

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You can also pass arguments to the thread's target function by using the args keyword argument:

import threading

def worker(num):
    print("Worker thread", num)

thread = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(1,))

In this example, the worker function will be called with the argument 1.

It's also possible to create a subclass of the Thread class and override the run method to specify the code that should be run in the new thread. Here is an example:

import threading

class MyThread(threading.Thread):
    def run(self):
        print("My thread")

thread = MyThread()

You can read more about the threading module in the Python documentation: