Changing one character in a string

Here is a code snippet that demonstrates how to change a single character in a string in Python:

string = "Hello World"
string = list(string)
string[6] = ','
string = "".join(string)

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Hello, World


  1. The first line assigns the string "Hello World" to the variable "string".
  2. The second line converts the string to a list of characters
  3. The third line access the 7th character of the list which is 'W' and replace it with ','.
  4. The fourth line joins the elements of the list back into a string
  5. Finally, the last line prints the modified string "Hello, World"

Alternatively, you can also use string slicing to change a single character in a string in Python.

string = "Hello World"
string = string[:6] + "," + string[7:]


Hello, World


  1. The first line assigns the string "Hello World" to the variable "string"
  2. The second line replaces the 7th character "W" with ","
  3. Finally, the last line prints the modified string "Hello, World"