Setting public class variables

In PHP, you can set the value of a public class variable by using the assignment operator (=) after the variable name. Here's an example:


// Define a class named MyClass
class MyClass
    // Declare a public property named myVar
    public $myVar;

// Create a new instance of the class
$obj = new MyClass();

// Assign a value to the myVar property
$obj->myVar = "some value";

// Output the value of the myVar property
echo "Value of myVar: " . $obj->myVar . "\n";

// Output:
// Value of myVar: some value


In this example, we created a class named "MyClass" that has a public variable named "myVar". We then created an instance of the class and assigned the value "some value" to the "myVar" variable using the assignment operator.

Alternatively, you can set the value of a public class variable by passing a value to it when you create an instance of the class:


// Define a class named MyClass
class MyClass
    // Declare a public property named myVar
    public $myVar;

    // Define the constructor
    function __construct($value)
        // Assign the value passed as an argument to the myVar property
        $this->myVar = $value;

// Create a new instance of the class and pass a value to the constructor
$obj = new MyClass("some value");

// Output the value of the myVar property
echo "Value of myVar: " . $obj->myVar . "\n";

// Output:
// Value of myVar: some value


In this example, we pass the value "some value" to the constructor of the class when we create an instance of it, and the constructor assigns that value to the "myVar" variable.