Remote file size without downloading file

In PHP, you can use the get_headers() function to retrieve the headers of a remote file. One of the headers returned is Content-Length, which specifies the size of the file in bytes. You can use this value to determine the size of the file without downloading it.

Here is an example:


// URL of the file
$url = "";

// Use the get_headers() function to retrieve the headers of the file
$headers = get_headers($url, 1);

// Check if the "Content-Length" header is present in the response
if (isset($headers["Content-Length"])) {
    // Store the value of the "Content-Length" header in the $filesize variable
    $filesize = $headers["Content-Length"];

    // Output the size of the file
    echo "The file size is: " . $filesize . " bytes";
} else {
    // If the "Content-Length" header is not present, output an error message
    echo "Unable to retrieve the size of the file.";


Note that this only works for files that return the Content-Length header. Some servers may not return this header, in which case you cannot determine the file size without downloading it.