posting hidden value

In PHP, you can post a hidden value by including it in a hidden input field within a HTML form. The value of the hidden input field will be sent along with the other form data when the form is submitted.


<form method="post" action="submit.php">
  <input type="hidden" name="hidden_value" value="some_value">
  <!-- other form fields -->
  <input type="submit" value="Submit">

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In the above example, the value "some_value" will be sent as a POST parameter named "hidden_value" when the form is submitted. In your PHP script that handles the form submission, you can access this value using the $_POST superglobal array, like so:

$hidden_value = $_POST['hidden_value'];

Please be aware that, this can be seen by the user and can be modified by them. So, you should use it carefully and validate the data on server side.