MySQL Check if username and password matches in Database

To check if a given username and password match those stored in a MySQL database, you can use a SQL SELECT statement with a WHERE clause to filter the results based on the provided username and password.

Here is an example of a SQL statement that can be used to check if a given username and password match those stored in the 'users' table:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '{username}' AND password = '{password}';

In this example, {username} and {password} would be replaced with the actual values provided by the user. The query will return all rows from the 'users' table where the 'username' column matches the provided username and the 'password' column matches the provided password.

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It is important to note that it is not a good practice to store passwords in plain text, therefore you should hash the passwords before storing them in the database, and then hash the provided password before comparing it with the stored password.

Also, it's recommended to use prepared statements instead of concatenating variables into the query to prevent SQL injection attacks.