How to Use the AND Operator in PHP

The AND operator is one of the logical operators of PHP. The AND operator will turn true once both of the operands are true.

Below, we will demonstrate an example of using this operator:


// Declare a variable and initialize it
$a = 100;
$b = 10;

// Check the condition
if ($a == 100 && pow($b, 2) == $a) {
  echo "True";
} else {
  echo "False";

//outputs True


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In the example above, $a == 100 && pow($b, 2) == $a is true as the AND operator states that merely once both of the operands are true, the result will be true, as well. In case one of the conditions is not fulfilled, then the output will be false.

Sometimes the AND operator is considered the same as the &&, yet these two operators have significant differences.

The similarity is these operators are true when both of the operands are true. The main difference between them is that the precedence of the AND operator is low, and it's high for the && operator.

About Operators in PHP

The symbols, telling the PHP processor to act in a specific way, are called operators. Generally, the PHP operators are classified in the following way:

  • Arithmetic operators
  • Assignment operators
  • Comparison operators
  • Incrementing and Decrementing operators
  • Logical operators
  • String operators
  • Array operators
  • Spaceship Operator.

Logical Operators in PHP

PHP supports standard logical operators. They work in the following way: first, they convert their operands to boolean, then implement a respective comparison.

The logical operators are &&,||, xor, !,AND, or.

These operators are mainly used for combining conditional statements.