How to Generate Static Classes in PHP

The methods and variables, defined and declared inside a class should be declared as static using the static keyword in order to be used without the initial instantiating of the class.

As a class variable can be accessed without a particular instance, there will be merely a single version of the variable. Also, note that non-static variables can’t be accessed by a static method. An instance of a class is required for such methods.

Here, we will figure out how to generate static classes in PHP.

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Generating Static Classes

For accessing the static class and its method, the following syntax is used:


Let’s consider several examples.

Example 1

Here, we will see a code that is capable of returning the current date without the instantiation of the class Date.

The date format and the actual date remain the same.


class Date
  public static $date_format1 = 'F jS, Y';
  public static $date_format2 = 'Y/m/d H:i:s';
  public static function format_date($unix_timestamp)
    echo date(self::$date_format1, $unix_timestamp), "\n";
    echo date(self::$date_format2, $unix_timestamp);

echo Date::format_date(time());

April 30th, 2020
2020/04/30 10:48:36

Example 2

In the example below, we will check if a string is valid. If the length is 13, then it is considered valid.


class w3
  public static $x = 13;

  public static function isValid($s)
    if (strlen($s) == self::$x) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

$s1 = "w3d1234567890";
if (w3::isValid($s1)) {
  echo "String is valid!\n";
} else {
  echo "String is NOT valid!\n";

$s2 = "w3docs";

if (w3::isValid($s2)) {
  echo "String is valid!\n ";
} else {
  echo "String is NOT valid! \n";

String is valid!
String is NOT valid!

About Static Classes

A class is considered a user-defined data type, that is capable of holding its data members and member functions. Those can be accessed and applied by generating one or more class instances.

Each time a class is configured, the values that it keeps are distinct and unique to a specific object or instance, but not to that class.

A static class can produce a property, while a class keeps values that stay the same and are not unique.