How to escape strings in SQL Server using PHP?

In PHP, you can use the sqlsrv_real_escape_string() function to escape strings in SQL Server. This function takes two parameters: the string to be escaped, and the connection resource. For example:


// This is a string variable with a value "O'Reilly"
$string = "O'Reilly";

// This line attempts to connect to a Microsoft SQL Server database using the sqlsrv_connect function
// The function takes two arguments: the server name and connection information
// However, the values for `$serverName` and `$connectionInfo` are not defined in this code, so this line will result in an error
$connection = sqlsrv_connect($serverName, $connectionInfo);

// This line calls the sqlsrv_real_escape_string function, which is used to escape special characters in a string for use in an SQL query
// The function takes two arguments: the string to be escaped and the database connection
// In this case, the arguments are `$string` and `$connection`
// However, since the values for `$serverName` and `$connectionInfo` are not defined, the call to `sqlsrv_connect` will result in an error
// Therefore, this line will also result in an error
$escapedString = sqlsrv_real_escape_string($string, $connection);


You can then use the $escapedString variable in your SQL query.

Alternatively you can use PDO library which provide a secure way to handle SQL injection, in PDO you can use prepare and execute statement to avoid SQL injection.


// This is a string variable with a value "O'Reilly"
$string = "O'Reilly";

// This line creates a new instance of the PDO class, which is used to connect to a database
// The PDO constructor takes four arguments: the data source name (DSN), the username, the password, and an array of options
// In this case, the DSN is constructed using the `$serverName` and `$dbName` variables, which are not defined in this code
// Therefore, this line will result in an error
$pdo = new PDO("sqlsrv:Server=$serverName;Database=$dbName", $username, $password);

// This line prepares an SQL statement using the prepare method of the PDO object
// The statement selects all columns from the "mytable" table where the name column equals the value of the `$string` variable
// The value of `$string` is bound to the placeholder ":name" in the statement
$stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE name = :name");

// This line executes the prepared statement using the execute method
// The execute method takes an array of values to be bound to the placeholders in the statement
// In this case, the value of `$string` is bound to the ":name" placeholder
$stmt->execute([':name' => $string]);


It is important to note that user input should always be validated and sanitized before being used in a query to prevent SQL injection.