How do I create a copy of an object in PHP?

In PHP, you can create a copy of an object using the clone keyword.

For example:


class SomeClass
  public $name = "John";

$original_object = new SomeClass();
$copy_object = clone $original_object;

echo "Original object name: " . $original_object->name . "\n";
echo "Copy object name: " . $copy_object->name . "\n";

This creates a new instance of the object, with the same property values as the original object. Please note that this creates a shallow copy, if the original object has any properties that are references to other objects, the copy will still refer to the same objects.

You can also use serialize and unserialize to make a deep copy of an object


class SomeClass
  public $name = "John";

$original_object = new SomeClass();
$copy_object = unserialize(serialize($original_object));

echo "Original object name: " . $original_object->name . "\n";
echo "Copy object name: " . $copy_object->name . "\n";

This creates a new instance of the object, with the same property values as the original object and it is a deep copy.