Divide integer and get integer value

In PHP, you can divide two integers using the forward slash (/) operator. To get the integer value of the division, you can use the "intval" function. For example:


$dividend = 10;
$divisor = 3;
$quotient = intval($dividend / $divisor);

echo $quotient; // Output: 3

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Alternatively, you can use the "floor" function which gives the largest integer less than or equal to the division of two numbers.


$dividend = 10;
$divisor = 3;
$quotient = floor($dividend / $divisor);

echo $quotient; // Output: 3

You can also use the division operator % which returns the remainder of a division.


$dividend = 10;
$divisor = 3;
$quotient = $dividend % $divisor;

echo $quotient; // Output: 1