Terminating a Java Program

There are several ways to terminate a Java program, depending on the context in which the program is running.

If you want to terminate a standalone Java program that is running in a console, you can use the System.exit() method. This method terminates the currently running Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

For example:

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Some code here
        System.exit(0);  // Terminate the program

The System.exit() method takes an integer argument, which is the exit code of the program. A value of 0 indicates that the program terminated successfully, while a non-zero value indicates that the program terminated with an error.

Keep in mind that the System.exit() method is a "violent" way to terminate a program, and it may not give other threads or resources a chance to clean up before the JVM exits.

If you want to terminate a program that is running in a GUI, you can use the dispose() method of the JFrame class to close the main window of the program. This will terminate the program if it has no other windows open.

For example:

import javax.swing.JFrame;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        JFrame frame = new JFrame("My Program");
        // Set up the frame here

    public void exitProgram() {
        // This method can be called from a menu item or button action
        JFrame frame = getMainFrame();  // Get a reference to the main frame
        frame.dispose();  // Close the main frame and terminate the program

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