How-to articles, tricks, and solutions about REFERENCE

How do I pass a variable by reference?

In Python, you can pass a variable by reference by using the & operator.

How to copy a dictionary and only edit the copy

There are a few ways to copy a dictionary in Python, depending on the level of copying that you need.

How to Pass Variables by Reference in PHP

Working with variables is an essential part of a developer’s life. In this snippet, we will demonstrate to you how to pass variables by reference with PHP.

How to Start a PHP Function with an Ampersand

In PHP, an ampersand is put before the function name for returning a reference to the variable instead of returning the value. Learn how to do that, here.

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference PHP 5.4

This error message is indicating that a value is being assigned to a variable by reference, which is not allowed in PHP version 5.4 or later