How-to articles, tricks, and solutions about MATPLOTLIB

Adding a legend to PyPlot in Matplotlib in the simplest manner possible

Here is a simple code snippet that demonstrates how to add a legend to a PyPlot in Matplotlib:

Changing the tick frequency on the x or y axis

In matplotlib, you can change the tick frequency on the x or y axis of a plot by using the set_xticks() or set_yticks() method of the Axes class.

How do I change the size of figures drawn with Matplotlib?

To change the size of figures drawn with Matplotlib in Python, you can use the figure() function and set the figsize argument.

How do I set the figure title and axes labels font size?

In matplotlib, you can set the font size of the figure title and axes labels using the pyplot module.

How to change the figure size of a seaborn axes or figure level plot

You can change the figure size of a Seaborn plot by using the set_size_inches() method of the matplotlib.pyplot.figure object and passing in the desired width and height.

How to change the font size on a matplotlib plot

There are a couple of ways to change the font size on a matplotlib plot.

How to make IPython notebook matplotlib plot inline

To make matplotlib plots show up inline in an IPython notebook, you can use the following code snippet:

How to put the legend outside the plot

In matplotlib, the legend function allows you to specify the location of the legend.

How to set the y-axis limit

In matplotlib, you can set the limit of the y-axis of a plot by using the set_ylim() method of the Axes class.

ImportError: No module named matplotlib.pyplot

This error message occurs when the matplotlib.pyplot module is not installed or not imported properly in your Python environment.

Matplotlib make tick labels font size smaller

Here is a code snippet that shows how to make the tick labels font size smaller in Matplotlib:

Plot logarithmic axes

Here is a code snippet that shows how to plot a graph with logarithmic scales for both the x and y axes in Python using the Matplotlib library:

Purpose of "%matplotlib inline"

The purpose of "%matplotlib inline" in Python is to display matplotlib plots within the Jupyter notebook.

Save plot to image file instead of displaying it using Matplotlib

To save a plot to an image file using Matplotlib, you can use the savefig function.