How-to articles, tricks, and solutions about HTML

What is the Difference Between the hidden and aria-hidden Attributes

On this page, you will learn what is the difference between the hidden and aria-hidden attributes. Read our snippet and see examples with these attributes.

When to Use HTML <img> Tag and CSS background-image Property

In this snippet, we’ll discuss the differences between the HTML <img> tag and CSS background-image property, which will help you make a better decision.

Which are the Valid Values for the "id" Attribute

The “id” attribute defines a unique identifier for HTML elements. In this snippet, you can find out, which are its valid values for HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

Which is Better to Use in CSS: px, em, or rem

In this snippet, we’re going to discuss which measurement unit (px, em, or rem) is better in CSS, what are the differences between them. Read and find the answer.

Which is the Float Input Type in HTML5

In this tutorial, you’ll learn which is the float input type in HTML5. Read our snippet and try some examples with the step value to see the solution to this problem.

Which Tag is Better to Use: <embed> or <object>

On this page, you will learn what is the difference between the HTML <embed> and <object> tags and which one is better to use. Read the snippet and find examples.

Why and How the Bootstrap sr-only Class is Used

In this snippet, you can learn about the sr-only class and see how it is used in Bootstrap. To find more information, read our snippet and try examples.

Why is textarea filled with mysterious white spaces?

There could be a number of reasons why a textarea element in a PHP webpage might be filled with mysterious white spaces.

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