How-to articles, tricks, and solutions about DATE AND TIME

How to Check Whether an Object is a Date

Read this JavaScript tutorial and learn several ways that are used for checking whether the parameter passed to the method is of type Date object or not.

How to Convert a JavaScript Date to UTC

In this tutorial, you will read and learn useful information about the right way of converting a JavaScript Date to the Coordinated Universal Time standard.

How to Convert a String into a Date in JavaScript

Read this tutorial and learn the way of converting a string into a Date. Also, read about UTC method, ISO format and much more to get a relevant answer.

How to Measure Time Taken by a Function to Execute

Read this JavaScript tutorial and learn several fast and useful methods that are used to calculate the time taken by a function to execute in milliseconds.

How to Subtract Days from Date in JavaScript

Read this tutorial and learn useful information about the instance methods of the Date object to help you subtract days from date in JavaScript easily.