How-to articles, tricks, and solutions about CSS

How to Wrap Words in a <div> Tag with CSS

If you’ve faced the situation when you need to wrap long words in a <div>, use the white-space property with the “pre-wrap” value and word-wrap property.

Is It Possible to Use the CSS @media Rule Inline

In this snippet, you will find out why it is not possible to apply CSS @media rules inline. Read this snippet to learn how to apply them in the internal style.

Shadow Effects in CSS

Use text-shadow and box-shadow CSS properties for shadow effects in CSS. See how to have amazing effects for texts, borders and boxes.

Simple DatePicker-like Calendar

A simple DatePicker-like calendar can be created using the PHP DateTime class and some basic HTML and CSS.

What does the CSS Tilde (~) Selector Mean

In this snippet, we will introduce what is the subsequent-sibling combinator (~), why and how it is used. Try some examples to have a better understanding of it.

What is the Difference Between the "inline" and "inline-block" Values of the CSS display Property

In this snippet, you can see what is the difference between the inline and inline-block display in CSS. We’ll demonstrate an example to show their difference.

Which are the Valid Values for the "id" Attribute

The “id” attribute defines a unique identifier for HTML elements. In this snippet, you can find out, which are its valid values for HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

Which is Better to Use in CSS: px, em, or rem

In this snippet, we’re going to discuss which measurement unit (px, em, or rem) is better in CSS, what are the differences between them. Read and find the answer.

Why and How the Bootstrap sr-only Class is Used

In this snippet, you can learn about the sr-only class and see how it is used in Bootstrap. To find more information, read our snippet and try examples.

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