___ can be done while multiple elements need to be returned from a component.

Understanding Wrapping Multiple Elements in a React Component

In any application that features user interface design, wrapping multiple elements is a critical aspect of returning multiple elements from a component. This process, particularly in the context of ReactJs, derives its terminology from the traditional concept of 'wrapping' - enclosing something within something else.

In the world of React components, when you want to return multiple elements from a component, the best practice is to wrap these elements. Rather than complicating things by abstraction, packing, or insulation, you simply utilize the element wrapping technique.

React's JSX syntax expects components to return a single parent element. If you were to return multiple sibling elements (without a parent), you would encounter an error. This is where wrapping comes in.

Let's illustrate it with a simple example:

function App() {
  return (
    <div> {/*Wrapping div*/}
      <h1>Hello World</h1>
      <p>Welcome to the application!</p>

In the above example, the function component App returns two elements: an h1 element and a p element. But as JSX requires them to be wrapped in a single parent element, these two are enclosed within a div wrapper.

As best practice, it is always recommended to keep components granular, each serving its own purpose. This makes the code more readable and maintainable. Wrapping is invaluable in providing this structure, allowing developers to form neatly arranged return statements while adhering to JSX's requirements.

With the introduction of React 16.2.0, a shorthand syntax for wrapping was introduced called 'Fragment'. Using Fragment, the earlier example can be rewritten as:

import React, { Fragment } from 'react';

function App() {
  return (
    <Fragment> {/*No need for an extra div*/}
      <h1>Hello World</h1>
      <p>Welcome to the application!</p>

Fragment effectively serves as a wrapper around the h1 and p tags without adding an extra node to the DOM like the div tag would. You can use Fragment when you don't need to apply extra styling or classes at the parent level, which can make your code cleaner and more efficient.

In summary, wrapping multiple elements is a fundamental concept and crucial habit when crafting React components that return multiple elements. Familiarity with this practice enhances component clarity, code legibility and ultimately, the reusability of your components.

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