What does the 'useMemo' hook do in React?

Understanding the 'useMemo' Hook in React

React offers a built-in hook called 'useMemo' that memoizes a computed value. But what does that mean, exactly?

In simplest terms, 'useMemo' is used to optimize computation-intensive tasks by "remembering" the previous result and only recalculating the value when one of its dependencies change.

Practical Application of 'useMemo'

Suppose you have a list of products, and you want to perform some filter operation based on user input. Normally, this filtering operation would run every time a render happens - including when state or props unrelated to the products or filter change. However, by using 'useMemo', the filtering operation will only re-run when the product list or the filter value changes. Here's an example:

import React, { useMemo } from 'react';

function ProductList({ products, filter }) {
  const filteredProducts = useMemo(() => {
    return products.filter(product => product.name.includes(filter));
  }, [products, filter]);

  return (
      {filteredProducts.map(product => 
        <div key={product.id}>

In this example, 'filteredProducts' is memoized. This mean that the filter operation isn't run every time 'ProductList' renders, but only when 'products' or 'filter' change.

Best Practices and Insights

While 'useMemo' can have a huge impact on performance by preventing unnecessary computations, it's not always necessary to use it. Each memorization comes with its own cost of tracking dependencies and making comparisons. If the computation isn't particularly intensive, this overhead may outweigh the performance benefit of memoization.

React documentation recommends using 'useMemo' only when you can identify a specific performance bottleneck. It's not necessary for every state or prop, and overuse can actually make your app slower. Remember, 'useMemo' is a tool for optimization, and like all tools, it's only beneficial when used appropriately.

So, always consider the complexity and performance implications of your operations before deciding to use 'useMemo'.

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