A typescript may be installed or managed through…

Managing and Installing TypeScript using NPM

TypeScript, a popular JavaScript superset introduced by Microsoft, can be installed and managed using Node Package Manager (NPM). The other options mentioned in the quiz question - 'Tag', 'Space', and 'Void' - are incorrect.

Why NPM?

NPM, an acronym for Node Package Manager, is the default package manager for Node.js, an open-source runtime environment. It allows users to install Node.js packages, which are modules or libraries written by other developers, to facilitate code reuse. TypeScript is one such package.

Installing TypeScript using NPM

Before you can install TypeScript, you’ll need to have Node.js and NPM installed on your machine. After setting up, you can install TypeScript globally on your system using the following command in your terminal:

npm install -g typescript

The '-g' flag means the package is being installed globally, so it can be accessed from any directory on your device.

Managing TypeScript via NPM

Apart from installation, NPM also allows the management of TypeScript versions. To upgrade to a newer version of TypeScript, use the 'npm update' command:

npm update -g typescript

To check the version of TypeScript you're currently using:

tsc --version

Note that 'tsc' stands for TypeScript Compiler.


In short, NPM is a convenient tool to manage your TypeScript installations and updates. Understanding how to use it is crucial for web developers as it simplifies the process of utilizing a wide array of packages, including TypeScript, to create efficient code.

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