What will be the output of the following statement?
let total = eval("10*10+8");

Understanding the eval() Function in JavaScript

JavaScript has a powerful function called eval() that can execute any JavaScript code that's passed in as a string. It is used to evaluate or execute an argument if it's a JavaScript expression. Let's look at an example related to the quiz question for a better understanding:

let total = eval("10*10+8");

In this case, eval("10*10+8") is a string that contains a mathematical operation. It will evaluate the expression in the string, i.e., multiplication first due to operator precedence, then addition. The multiplication of 10*10 results in 100 and adding 8 to that gives 108. Hence, the output of the statement will be the integer value 108, making "108 as an integer value" the correct answer for this quiz.

Practical Examples

The eval() function is far more flexible, as it can also evaluate complex JavaScript code within a string. For instance, you can directly initialize, add to an array, or print values like in the following examples:

eval("let array = [1,2,3]; array.push(4); console.log(array);");

This example will output [1,2,3,4], as it jotted in push() operation for the array variable in the string.

Best Practices and Insights

Although eval() seems mighty convenient, it's generally advised to avoid using it when possible. This is because the eval() function poses optimal risks such as code injection attacks where an attacker might be able to run malicious code through the eval() function.

JavaScript provides safer alternatives like setTimeout() and setInterval() when you wish to invoke a function at specific delays. The use of JSON.parse() or JSON.stringify() should be preferred to safely handle the JSON data.

Remember, overusing the eval() function might lead you to debug your program, as it's known for producing unexpected results because of its ability to execute any stringified code dynamically. When using eval(), make sure the entered data is validated and sanitized properly to prevent malicious usage.

In essence, understanding how JavaScript's eval() function is used in the example highlighted in the quiz can make for writing better, safer code in JavaScript.

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