Which of the following table tags is used to create a table row?

Understanding the Use of the <tr> Tag in HTML Tables

When it comes to creating tables in HTML, understanding what each specific tag does is crucial. In the given question, we're asked about the HTML table tag used to create a table row. The correct answer is the <tr> tag.

The <tr> tag in HTML stands for 'table row'. This tag is used to group together several cells to form a single row in a table. While there are several kinds of tags related to tables, such as <table>, <th>, and <td>, the <tr> tag is specifically designed for this purpose.

A practical example would be:

    <td>Cell 1</td>
    <td>Cell 2</td>

This will create a table with a single row that contains two data cells.

It's important to note the usage of other tags in combination with the <tr> tag. The <td> tag is used to define each individual cell or 'table data' within the row. The <th> tag, on the other hand, is used to denote the header cell in a table.

To follow best practices while utilizing these HTML tags, always remember that every <tr>, <td>, and <th> tag must be nested within the <table> parent tag for the HTML structure to be correct. Also, make sure to close all opened tags to prevent any coding issues.

Understanding these table tags not only allows developers to create more organized and readable tables, but also enhances the control they have over the data presented.

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