Which command is used to create a new Vue.js project using Vue CLI?

Understanding the Vue Create Command in Vue CLI

To initiate a new Vue.js project using Vue CLI, the correct command is vue create project-name. This tooling command is incredibly powerful and pivotal for the creation of new projects or application within the Vue.js framework.

The Vue CLI (Command Line Interface) is a comprehensive infrastructure that comes with a battery of pre-configured build setups for a modern frontend workflow. The vue create command is part of this infrastructure, and it helps developers to bootstrap new projects.

Here's how it works:

You start by initiating the process with vue create followed by the desired name of the project:

vue create my-new-project

After this command is initiated, the CLI prompts you for your preferred preset - an already defined set of configurations which includes Babel, Router, Vuex, etc. You can choose from the default preset or manually select features for a more customized setup.

The advantage of this command is that it abstracts away a lot of complex setup that goes into a Vue project, letting the developers focus on Vue-specific coding.

Although vue create is the standard modern way of initiating a new Vue project, there is another legacy command from older versions of Vue, vue init. This command, while still functional, is fundamentally different as it requires a template name and uses an older project template system.

Commands such as vue new project-name and vue start project-name could seem intuitive for those coming from other development environments, however, these are not valid in the Vue CLI.

In conclusion, understanding command-line tools and their functions is vital for working with modern web frameworks, like Vue.js. The vue create command in Vue CLI is a powerful and essential tool for any Vue.js developer.

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