Selecting multiple columns in a Pandas dataframe

To select multiple columns in a pandas DataFrame, you can pass a list of column names to the indexing operator []. For example, if you have a DataFrame df with columns 'a', 'b', and 'c', you can select 'a' and 'c' using the following syntax:

df[['a', 'c']]

This will return a new DataFrame with only the columns 'a' and 'c'.

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You can also use the loc or iloc attributes to select multiple columns. For example, to select the same columns using loc, you would do:

df.loc[:, ['a', 'c']]

This will return a new DataFrame with only the columns 'a' and 'c'. The : in the first index specifies that all rows should be included, and the list of columns ['a', 'c'] specifies which columns to include.

If you want to select multiple columns using their integer indices, you can use the iloc attribute like this:

df.iloc[:, [0, 2]]

This will return a new DataFrame with the columns at indices 0 and 2, which are 'a' and 'c' in this case.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.