How to list all functions in a module?

To list all functions in a module, you can use the dir() function to get a list of all the names defined in the module, and then use the inspect module to check if each name is a function.

Here's an example of how you can list all functions in a module:

import inspect

# Import the module
import mymodule

# Get a list of all names defined in the module
names = dir(mymodule)

# Iterate over the names and check if each is a function
for name in names:
    # Get the object for the name
    obj = getattr(mymodule, name)
    # Check if the object is a function
    if inspect.isfunction(obj):

This will list all functions in the mymodule module.

You can also use the inspect.getmembers() function to get a list of all members of the module and their types, and then filter the list to only include functions.

For example:

import inspect

# Import the module
import mymodule

# Get a list of all members of the module and their types
members = inspect.getmembers(mymodule)

# Filter the list to only include functions
functions = [m for m in members if inspect.isfunction(m[1])]

# Print the names of the functions
for name, obj in functions:

This will also list all functions in the mymodule module.