How do I profile a Python script?

There are several ways to profile a Python script:

  1. The cProfile module is a built-in library for profiling Python scripts. You can use it by running the following command:
python -m cProfile

This will generate a report that shows the total time spent in each function and the number of times each function was called.

  1. The profile module is another built-in library for profiling Python scripts. You can use it by adding the following lines at the beginning of your script:
import profile"my_function()")

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Then, run your script as usual:


This will generate a report that shows the total time spent in each function and the number of times each function was called.

  1. The pstats module is a library for analyzing the results of profiling. You can use it to sort the profiling results by the total time spent in each function, or by the number of calls to each function.

  2. There are also several third-party libraries and tools that can be used for profiling Python scripts, such as pyprof2calltree, snakeviz, and yappi.