How do I pad a string with zeroes?

You can use the zfill() method to pad a string with zeros on the left side. For example:

s = "123"
s = s.zfill(5)

This will add two zeros on the left side of the string s, so that the resulting string has a total length of 5.

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You can also use the format() function to pad a string with zeros. For example:

s = "123"
s = "{:05d}".format(int(s))

This will also add two zeros on the left side of the string s, so that the resulting string has a total length of 5. The 05 in the format string specifies the total width of the output string, including the padding. The d specifies that the value being formatted is a decimal integer.

You can also use the rjust() method to pad a string with zeros on the right side. For example:

s = "123"
s = s.rjust(5, '0')

This will add two zeros on the right side of the string s, so that the resulting string has a total length of 5. The first argument to rjust() is the total width of the output string, including the padding, and the second argument is the padding character.