XAMPP Port 80 in use by "Unable to open process" with PID 4

It looks like you are having an issue with XAMPP and port 80.

One possible reason for this issue is that another program is already using port 80. To determine which program is using port 80, you can try the following steps:

  1. Open the command prompt and type "netstat -aon". This will display a list of all open connections and the associated process IDs.

  2. Look for any entries that list port 80 in the "Local Address" column. The number in the "PID" column is the process ID of the program that is using the port.

  3. Open the Task Manager and go to the "Details" tab.

  4. Look for the process with the same ID as the one you found in step 2. This should give you an idea of which program is using port 80.

Once you have determined which program is using port 80, you can try to stop the program or configure it to use a different port. If you are unable to stop the program or change its port, you will need to configure XAMPP to use a different port.

To change the port that XAMPP uses, follow these steps:

  1. Open the XAMPP Control Panel.

  2. Click on the "Config" button for the Apache module.

  3. In the Apache (httpd.conf) configuration file, look for the line that says "Listen 80" and change it to a different port number.

  4. Save the changes and restart the Apache module.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.