PHP 7: Missing VCRUNTIME140.dll

It looks like you are encountering an error related to a missing VCRUNTIME140.dll file when using PHP 7. This file is part of the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package, and it is required by some applications that have been compiled using Visual C++.

To fix this error, you will need to install the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package on your system. You can download the latest version of the package from the Microsoft website:

Once you have downloaded the package, run the installer and follow the prompts to install it on your system. After installation is complete, try running your PHP script again and see if the error persists.

If you are still encountering the error after installing the Visual C++ Redistributable package, it is possible that the DLL file may be damaged or missing from its expected location. In this case, you may need to try re-installing the package or repairing the installation to fix the problem.