Laravel csrf token mismatch for ajax POST Request

The csrf_token error you are encountering occurs when you are making a POST request to your Laravel application and you have not included a valid CSRF token in the request.

CSRF stands for Cross-Site Request Forgery, and it is a security measure implemented by Laravel to prevent unauthorized POST requests to your application. When you make a POST request to a Laravel application, it will check to see if a valid CSRF token is included in the request. If it is not, the request will fail with a csrf_token error.

To fix this error, you will need to include a valid CSRF token in your POST request. In Laravel, you can get the current CSRF token by using the csrf_token function:

$csrf_token = csrf_token();

Then, you can include the CSRF token in your POST request by adding it to the data you are sending with the request. For example, if you are using jQuery to make an AJAX request, you can include the CSRF token like this:

    url: '/your-url',
    type: 'POST',
    data: {
        _token: $csrf_token,
        // Other data you want to send with the request
    success: function (response) {
        // Do something with the response

Alternatively, if you are using a form to make the POST request, you can include the CSRF token by adding a hidden input field to the form with the name _token:

<form method="POST" action="/your-url">
    <!-- Other form fields go here -->

This will automatically add a hidden input field to the form with the name _token and the current CSRF token as the value.