Error when preparing a multiple insert query

There are a few things that could cause an error when preparing a multiple insert query in PHP. Here are some possible issues you might encounter and some things you can try to fix them:

  1. Syntax error in the query: Make sure that your query is correctly formatted and that you are using the correct syntax for multiple insert queries.

  2. Incorrect number of placeholders: Make sure that you have the correct number of placeholders (i.e., ?) in your query. Each placeholder should correspond to a value that you are inserting.

  3. Incorrect data types for placeholders: Make sure that the data types of the values you are binding to the placeholders match the data types expected by the database.

  4. Unescaped special characters: Make sure that any special characters in your values (e.g., ', ", \, etc.) are properly escaped.

If you continue to have issues, you may want to try debugging your code by printing out the final prepared query and the values you are binding to the placeholders to make sure that everything is being generated correctly. You can also try running the prepared query directly on your database to see if there are any issues with the query itself.