Encrypt and Decrypt text with RSA in PHP

Sure! Here is an example of how to encrypt and decrypt text using RSA in PHP.


// Load the key file
$privateKey = openssl_pkey_get_private('file://private.key');
$publicKey = openssl_pkey_get_public('file://public.key');

// Encrypt the data
$data = 'Hello World!';
openssl_public_encrypt($data, $encrypted, $publicKey);

// Decrypt the data
openssl_private_decrypt($encrypted, $decrypted, $privateKey);

echo $decrypted;

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This example assumes that you have a private key file called private.key and a public key file called public.key in the same directory as your PHP script. You can generate these key files using the openssl command-line tool.

For example, to generate a private key and a self-signed certificate (which contains the public key), you can use the following command:

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout private.key -out certificate.