Base table or view not found: 1146 Table Laravel 5

Error 1146: Table 'table_name' doesn't exist

This error occurs when you are trying to access a table that does not exist in the database. This can happen for a number of reasons, including:

  1. The table was not created in the database, either because it was never created or because it was dropped.

  2. The table name is spelled incorrectly in your code.

  3. You are using the wrong database or database credentials in your code.

To fix this error, you will need to identify the cause of the problem and take the appropriate action. If the table was not created, you will need to create it. If the table name is spelled incorrectly, you will need to correct the spelling in your code. If you are using the wrong database or database credentials, you will need to update your code to use the correct ones.

It's also worth noting that this error can occur when you are trying to access a view, rather than a table. If this is the case, you will need to ensure that the view has been created in the database.