UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name

UnsatisfiedDependencyException is a runtime exception that is thrown when the Spring framework is unable to resolve a dependency for a bean. It usually indicates that a required bean is not found in the application context, or that a required bean is not configured properly.

This exception can occur at runtime when you are trying to create a bean instance using the Spring framework's dependency injection feature. It can have various causes, such as:

  • A required dependency is not defined in the application context.
  • A required dependency is defined, but it is not of the expected type.
  • A required dependency is defined, but it has not been initialized properly.

To troubleshoot this exception, you can try the following:

  • Make sure that all required dependencies are defined in the application context.
  • Check the types of the dependencies to make sure they match the expected types.
  • Check the initialization of the dependencies to make sure they are properly configured.

It might also be helpful to enable debug logging for the Spring framework, as this can provide more information about the cause of the exception.