Simple way to repeat a string

In Java, you can use the String.repeat() method to repeat a string multiple times. This method was introduced in Java 11, so it is only available if you are using Java 11 or a later version.

Here is an example of how to use String.repeat():

String s = "abc";
int n = 3;
String repeated = s.repeat(n);
System.out.println(repeated);  // Outputs "abcabcabc"

Alternatively, you can use a loop to repeat a string multiple times. Here is an example of how to do this:

String s = "abc";
int n = 3;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
String repeated = sb.toString();
System.out.println(repeated);  // Outputs "abcabcabc"

This code creates a StringBuilder and appends the string s to it n times. It then converts the StringBuilder to a String using the toString() method.