How to use java.String.format in Scala?

In Scala, you can use the format method of the String class to format strings in a way similar to the printf function in C. Here's an example of how to use format in Scala:

val name = "John"
val age = 30
val formattedString = String.format("Hello, my name is %s and I am %d years old", name, age)
println(formattedString)  // Outputs: "Hello, my name is John and I am 30 years old"

You can also use the f string interpolator in Scala to achieve a similar result:

val name = "John"
val age = 30
val formattedString = f"Hello, my name is $name and I am $age%d years old"
println(formattedString)  // Outputs: "Hello, my name is John and I am 30 years old"

The f interpolator allows you to specify format specifiers like %d within the string, just like with format.

Note that in both cases, the formatted string must contain placeholders for the variables you want to include in the string. The placeholders are %s for strings and %d for integers. You can also use other format specifiers like %f for floating-point numbers and %x for hexadecimal numbers.