How can I make Java print quotes, like "Hello"?

To print quotes in Java, you need to use the escape character \ to indicate that the quote is part of the string and not the end of the string.

Here is an example of how you can print a quote in Java:

System.out.println("\"Hello\"");  // prints "Hello"

Alternatively, you can use single quotes to define the string, and then use double quotes within the string:

System.out.println('"Hello"');  // prints "Hello"

You can also use the printf() method to print a quote, using the %s format specifier:

System.out.printf("\"%s\"", "Hello");  // prints "Hello"

Keep in mind that you need to use the escape character \ whenever you want to print a quote or any other special character that has a special meaning in Java (such as \n for a new line or \t for a tab).

For example, to print a quote and a new line, you can use the following code:

System.out.println("\"Hello\"\n");  // prints "Hello" and a new line