Eclipse error ... cannot be resolved to a type

If you are seeing an error in Eclipse that says "cannot be resolved to a type," it usually means that Eclipse is unable to find the class or interface that you are trying to use in your code. There are a few common causes for this error:

  1. Typo: Make sure that you have spelled the class or interface name correctly and that it matches the spelling in the import statement (if you are using one).

  2. Missing import: If you are using a class or interface from a package that is not part of the Java language, you will need to include an import statement at the beginning of your code to tell Eclipse where to find it. Make sure that you have the correct import statement for the class or interface that you are trying to use.

  3. Classpath issue: If you are using a class or interface that is part of a library or external jar file, make sure that the library or jar file is on your Eclipse classpath. You may need to add it to your project's build path or to the global classpath.

If you are still having trouble, try doing a clean build of your project (Project > Clean) and see if that resolves the issue. If the problem persists, you may need to check for any syntax errors or other issues in your code.